Please join us by registering your interest through TEAMO and paying SHARP via BACS (St Albans & Harpenden Pickleballers => Sort Code: 30 99 50 / Account: 23889563)
Come and meet fellow SHARP members in a fun social environment with drinks and great food.
SHARP Pickleball held its official launch at the Batchwood Golf and Sports Centre.
The launch saw a large number of pickleball players from the St Albans and Harpenden area convene at the Centre to hear from our Chair, Di Ritson-Hall, to join the club and to participate in open pickleball play across 8 courts.
By the end of the day, over 60 people had joined the Club.
If you would like to join the Club please follow the link below:
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.